This year we decided that we would go to the Murray Bridge Show. Last year we were a bit too busy looking for houses, but this year, because our house is very close to the showgrounds, we thought we would venture over and check it out.
I was excited to see how my entries had done in the show, and was so pleased to see they had come 1st, 2nd and 3rd!
We had fun looking at our kid’s art work in the show. Finn had made a nest picture for the Learning Together display. Ciara was part of the colouring in competition, and she also had her work chosen for the Murray Bridge South Primary School display.
It reminded me that going to the show should mostly be about the competition entries, the animals, and being part of a rural community. It didn’t need to be about rides and show bags! We spent most of the rest of the night doing the $2 Bunyip Trail, where the kids got all sorts of free things (including potatoes, carrots and onions)!
I think we’ll be back next year!