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Toowoomba Contemporary Wearables 2013 Award Exhibition

The link below will take you to some footage about the 2013 Toowoomba Contemporary Wearables Award Exhibition.  I am so honoured to be part of this exhibition, and I can’t wait to see the catalogue.  Congratulations to Claire McArdle for winning this prestigious award.


I’m already thinking about where my work might be in 2015 when it’s on again!

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First Glass Beadmaking Course













I think it was about 2001 when I did my first glass beadmaking course.  It was on Kangaroo Island, and the teacher was Bernie Stonor.

It was both awesome and overwhelming!

Awesome because I could see the potential for making beads to make my jewellery really unique.  And overwhelming because I could see the potential for making beads to make my jewellery really unique!

Living in a one bedroom apartment in Sydney at the time, it took several years before I was ready to pursue this new hobby!  In fact it took a year of living in the States to realise that dream.

The picture above shows you the first book about making glass beads that I owned.  A really awesome book filled with ideas and techniques.  The second picture shows you the first beads that I made in the workshop!  Inspired by the book, but totally lacking technique and confidence!


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I don’t know how long I’ve been thinking about making stud earrings, but it seems like years.  The only problem was that I didn’t have a clue how to make them!  There were suggestions from people about using glue, but it just didn’t feel “right”.

And then one day it all came together!  I had the soldering skills I needed to make the earrings backs, and I had a plan for making them.

I’m really pleased with the results.  They are the perfect size, and a real pop of colour.

They’ll be available at Urban Cow starting October 1.  There will be 17 different colours in the Mini Cabinet.


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Genesis Exhibition

I am participating in the South East Art Society exhibition where the theme is “Genesis”.

Genesis means: the beginning or origin of something

I started out thinking I would do something in relation to the beginnings of glass beads in history.  From Trade Beads to Ancient Roman Glass, I had a lot of fun looking through my History of Beads book.

But in the end I decided that as I was new to the South East, I would share with them the beginnings of my jewellery.  So I created 3 necklaces:

  1. I started collecting beads from op-shop beads
  2. Then I added some of my own glass beads
  3. Now I make all of the beads.

And here they are:

Genesis1  Genesis2Genesis3


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Colour inspiration

We spent a day in Millicent last week, and as we were walking around the town, we came across the prettiest flowers.  I’ve seen similar flowers, but not quite in this colour combination.  They actually made me stop and look, and take a photo!



























Then, when I was looking through my frit collection at home (frit is smashed up glass that I use to decorate beads), I came across this blend of browny/purpley colours that reminded me of the flowers.  Had to make some beads!
