Just letting you know I’ll be at the following markets leading up to Christmas. Hope to see you at one of them!
Just letting you know I’ll be at the following markets leading up to Christmas. Hope to see you at one of them!
This month Colour Play is all about pink!
As you already probably know, I’m a red person! When I started seeing pink clothes coming through in the shops I couldn’t stop thinking about this colour, and I decided that because pink is a shade of red, maybe I could be tempted to buy a pink top, and add some pink jewellery too! Hence, the Pretty in Pink collection of jewellery.
The first piece that I would like to feature is the flower necklace! The pink beads in this necklace are so pretty and sparkly. The flower beads are all made with various coloured centres, and the light pink on the outside. The end result…a bit like a flower garden!
Click on this link to go to the shop!
It’s time to say farewell to yellow! I have had a lot of fun playing with yellow glass this month. It worked well with so many colours, it was a pleasure to work with!
Tomorrow I’ll introduce a new colour play feature colour. Newsletter subscribers will get the first chance to see and purchase the pieces. Have you subscribed?
Today in the studio I am testing some pink glass! Pink is a funny colour, it can be a bit tricky to work, and I am still not sure about these colours, so I am going to let them sit for a while.
My final yellow colour play! I have enjoyed playing with yellow, and the various colour combinations that I have created have been really fun!
The last colour combination is a dark yellow mixed back with reds and browns.
If you like any of these pieces, some of them are still available in the shop!
I do love making earrings!
Oh, my, I do love being asked to make these colour wheel bracelets. Every time I get a request for them, I think “oh, I should make one for me” and then never do! But this time the request came in from the Riddoch Art Gallery in Mount Gambier, and I was determined to make myself a bracelet. In the end I made one with the leftover etched and shiny beads! So pretty….
I’ve really enjoyed playing around with the colour yellow, and adding other colours to it. I’ve also enjoyed the different types of yellow glass.
This week I am sharing the yellow, blue and green combination.
The yellow in this set is super bright in a cheerful, happy way. I especially like the earrings, they are shorter than the other earrings I have made, but still sit nicely, and have a bit of movement too.
The blues and greens in the necklace give a real summer feel to the necklace. Really something special to brighten up any outfit.
If you like any of the pieces below, the link to my shop is here.
I’m thrilled to announce that I have a selection of recycled glass bead jewellery available for sale at Bethany Wines. I have used their wine bottles to create a unique collection of jewellery especially for them.
Bethany Wines are located just out of Tanunda, in the Barossa Valley. Now is a perfect time to visit the Barossa, it’s so pretty! Plus, so many great places to stop for a coffee or a glass of wine while you are there.
I have to confess that entering my jewellery in the local show is one of the most fun parts of the year! These country shows are so full of traditions, and so well organised, that its always awesome to be a tiny part of it all. The people who organise the competition side of the shows, put in huge amounts of effort to make sure things run smoothly, and that everything is judged and displayed properly. It really is quite an honour to be part of it all, and one of the things I love about living in a regional location.
This year I entered 3 necklaces, and I am stoked to say that two of them received prizes. The rainbow/colour wheel necklace won First Prize and Outstanding Exhibit! And the recycled glass necklace won Second Prize.
I can’t wait to enter next year. The Murray Bridge Show is celebrating 100 years next year, so whatever I enter will have to be a little bit special.
If you are curious….here is the post from last year!