On the weekend I got to visit a few SALA exhibitions in Adelaide. It’s hard to visit every SALA exhibition, so I tend to pick exhibitions where there is jewellery, sculpture or friends!
My friend, Susan Napoli, a textile artist who is represented at T’Arts was the first exhibition that I visited. Held in the North Lodge of the Botanic Gardens, the walk to the exhibition alone was amazing! Susan’s work is beautiful, and I’m lucky to have one of her pieces in my studio. She makes textile art pieces of flowers and fruit and birds! Truly stunning work, it’s definitely worth a visit.

Also in the Botanic Gardens is the work of Michelle Kelly. In the Museum of Economic Botany, she has arranged some absolutely stunning collections of fungi! Michelle has been fascinated with mushrooms for many years, and I love seeing her work whenever it is exhibited. I felt doubly lucky on Sunday when I walked into the Museum. Oh my gosh, what an incredible place, filled with collections of all sorts of plants and seeds. I will be returning to this one with my children very soon!

I loved visiting the exhibitions at the Botanic Gardens, not just because they were lovely exhibitions to visit, but also because the gardens are stunning at this time of the year! It was time to wander around to the National Wine Centre where I saw the Kangaroo Island artist exhibition. Always a top-notch exhibition, it’s lovely to see the work of these artists on the mainland!
I ended my exhibition tour at the Jam Factory, where it was a real pleasure to see Catherine Truman’s work in person. Such thoughtful work, it was awesome to see the worlds of art and science combining to create the pieces. Loved it, and well worth visiting.
What exhibitions have you been to??