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Weekends away

On the weekend I went on a little road trip to the South East!

I went to Penola to do a creative writing workshop. I have a secret obsession with reading and writing and many, many years ago I progressed my story writing to a finished draft of something that could be called a novel. Unfortunately it was pretty crummy, and I didn’t have the energy to take it any further, but the desire to write has never left me. I write bits and pieces, here and there, and collect ideas, and who knows where that will eventually lead.  All I can say is that it was wonderful to spend a whole day writing!

After the workshop finished I drove to Mount Gambier, and checked in to my accommodation at the Old Gaol there. Oh my, it is a truly amazing place to stay! So much history, and so many stories. It felt really peaceful while I was there, but I know that has not always been the case. A credit to the family who have created such a great space.

We used to live in Mount Gambier, so it was nice to retrace some old steps, and see what has changed, and what has not! First on my list was a lap of the Blue Lake. I had forgotten how peaceful that walk is. So many beautiful wild flowers, and little blue wrens flying around. It was just what I needed after a day of sitting!

On the Sunday I got to visit the Riddoch Art Gallery and meet the beautiful ladies who are looking after my work! The gallery has 3 really amazing exhibitions on at the moment, so if you are in the area, definitely drop in.

I headed home via Penola again, where I got a chance to immerse myself in the local galleries and shops before the long drive home.

The weather was amazing the whole weekend! I felt inspired, energised, refreshed, relaxed, and all of those good feelings!