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I made a couple of necklaces recently using some random beads.  I have to say, the feedback was so nice, I decided to make some more.  Now, it would seem that random would be an easy combination to put together.  However, I can assure you it was not!  I agonised over every bead selection….and I’m hoping they will kind of stay a bit like this:

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Flower Earrings

These earrings have all been made from recycled glass.  This photograph features Skyy Vodka, Peroni Beer, Coopers Ale, Banrock Station and Bombay Sapphire Gin.  And I am happy to make these earrings in other colours too.  Last year I made a pair from a Moet Champagne bottle, and they looked SO pretty!  The beads catch the light beautifully.

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Bead Sorting….

Whenever I make sets of necklaces and earrings, I often make extra beads – just in case!  And then the result of all of those extra beads is shown in the photograph below – lots of beads!

Today I am going to sort through them so I can use them.  I’m not exactly sure yet what the best way of sorting them is, but I think I’ll have some fun trying.

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Sometimes you just have to wear all the colours…

I wear a lot of black and white, and often I’ll throw some red into the mix.  I like those colours, for me they are simple and I can usually wear any jewellery to complement it.

Usually, my jewellery would be red!

For some reason yesterday, that was just not enough colour for me.  So I ended up making some necklaces with all sorts of colours in them.  They are bright, cheerful and eye-catching.  They also made me smile whenever I walked past a mirror and caught my reflection!

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…to everyone who gives me their old bottles, I say a big thank you to you all!  It’s easy to put something in the bin, but it takes a lot more effort to stop and put the bottle aside, and to make sure I get it at some stage.  For all of you who make that effort, I am truly grateful.

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Messy desk

Oh gosh, it’s been a busy December.  A busy year actually!  I’m looking forward to a tiny break over Christmas.  I think I might even clean my desk so that I can start the new year all sparkly!  A big thanks to everyone who has bought my work this year.  I am so grateful to you all.

I’m still taking orders, and I’m happy to work on custom requests too.