You might remember that Tangerine Meg interviewed me recently? Well, I thought it would be fun to interview her for my blog, so here goes!
And if you like what you see and read…you can find Tangerine Meg at the SALA in the Gardens Market on Sunday August 21 from 10.30 until 4.30. Details in the link.
1. How did the name Tangerine Meg originate?
Quite right Julie, my business name is not the same as the ‘human’ names my parents gave me!
When first building a website I chose the address “Tangerine Epiphany” (dot com), which I still have. But when starting blogging, I needed something a bit simpler – and less convoluted to type! I already loved the juiciness of “Tangerine” when my older son – then still living at home – suggested “… something old-fashioned, like Tess”. I thought a moment, and lighted upon ‘Meg’, one of the nicknames my family have for me. Tangerine Meg has stuck, and is now my website address and business name!

2. You create art in all sorts of mediums (lino prints, drawing, painting). Do you have a favourite style?
As with good parenting, I find it best not to say out loud that you have a favourite child … can I say I love all the styles equally in different ways?
I love the tactile dimension of working with lino blocks, the enforced simplicity often leading to clear composition, the surprises that come with hand carving and the reversal of image. Oh, and the excitement of peeling the paper back with the freshly printed picture!
I love the delightful immediacy, fluidity and vibrant colour that comes with watercolour painting.
Drawing with pen & ink or a nice marker pen can be both satisfyingly detailed and also ‘mindfully mindless’!

3. You are about to have your first solo exhibition in over 20 years! Tell us a bit about it.
Thanks for asking, Julie! X o
My exhibition is named “Happy To Be Here”, and is showing from September 1 – 27 (launch event on the 2nd) at the South Coast Regional Art Centre (Old Goolwa Police Station) 1 Goolwa Tce, Goolwa, SA. Read more here: http://tangerinemeg.com/happy-to-be-here-exhibition/
My husband and I recently decided to move our base to the beautiful Fleurieu Peninsula, about 45 mins South of the city of Adelaide, South Australia. I was planning my exhibition before we left. Now that we’ve moved house, there’s additional gratitude and a particular non-suburban sense of place here that’s continuing in my artwork. We are genuinely ‘happy to be here’!
The exhibition pictures, almost complete now and ready to frame for September, include a range of bright paintings and lino prints of cats, gardens and still lifes with flowers and food… and a lot more happy people these days! 2017 Calendars on each of these themes and a “Happy To Be Here” commemorative selection will also be on sale at the exhibition.

4. Tell us about your proudest achievement in your whole life.
My grown up children! It sounds a very old-school achievement, but it was a long journey and I’m enjoying finally seeing the ‘outcome’! Luckily my efforts, along with plenty of help and good fortune, have produced 2 most excellent young humans: creative, kind and capable.
In terms of other activities, I’m super proud I’m still making art, and learning about personal growth while moving forward through life.

5 at 5 … What’s your favourite of the following categories, and why:
- Place you’ve been – the Fleurieu Peninsula, so much so that we chose to move here! And Queenslands Great Barrier Reef. I snorkelled there years ago, it was just ‘wow’! We need to protect that amazing area!
- Colour – I love them all separately and together. It makes my day when I see a rainbow. And vibrant, translucent watercolor paint colours are almost delicious! If I have to try to narrow it down, I’m particularly lit up by citrus peel hues, oh and a humble nasturtium with the sun shining through the petals. (Sorry, that’s really not a single colour 😛 )
- Book – There are a couple I re-read every year or so… “Prodigal Summer” by Barbara Kingsolver – I love almost everything by her – and “Finding Your Way in a Wild New World” by Martha Beck. Both are uplifting and grounding, beautifully written and funny 🙂
- Song – “Happy” by Pharrell Williams, it makes me smile and dance around the room. Spot the dancing guy wearing a cat tshirt at 51 seconds in 🙂
- Food – I love a platter at Fleurieu Pantry – olives, tapenade, etc … I can’t get too many olives, what a wonderful local treat! I am comforted by home made chicken curry, with ribs from the poultry farmer at the Willunga Farmers Market. You can tell we’re deeply in Winter as I write this, with such warm foods coming to mind!


Thank you for having me here, Julie!
I’m Tangerine Meg … thanks for reading this! My thing is Bold Art for Bold Souls 🙂
I learned drawing and painting from Ruth Tuck starting at the age of 7 and never really stopped! I’ve studied Graphic Design twice – once before computers were commonplace, and once after! – contributed to art exhibitions over the years too numerous to list (the most recent was a SALA exhibition at Pepper St Art Centre) and have carried on making pictures through the raising of 2 young men!
Now my nest is mostly empty – if we don’t count cats – I’d love to prioritise my time with making of more art, all being well and the creek don’t rise 🙂
I’d love you to join me! Come visit my website and download free printable art stuff – there are bright bookmarks & a Reading Girl Bookplate PDF available for download this very moment!