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Something new…

I’m working on a new range of jewellery for Kirra Galleries Flame on 2016.  The exhibition will run from September 8 until October 8 at the gallery in Federation Square, Melbourne.

This work has been inspired by the plight of the Great Barrier Reef.  I’ll tell you more about it closer to the date, but for now, here is a necklace made from a wine bottle, where I have “added” colour to the clear glass.

Julie Frahm Coral Reef necklace

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Colour Play

I have always liked putting dark brown with pink as I think it makes a really lovely retro style colour combination, but still feminine, you know?

The brown in these pieces is probably a bit darker than I had intended, but I think it still works, creating very contrasting pieces.

Brown and pink handmade glass bead jewellery by Julie Frahm

Brown and pink handmade glass bead necklaces by Julie Frahm

Brown and pink handmade glass bead earrings by Julie Frahm

Brown and pink handmade glass bead necklaces by Julie Frahm

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View from my studio

Hi there!  It’s winter solstice!  It’s almost my favourite day of the year!  I love winter solstice because I know from here on in it’s all longer days and warmer weather!  Well, soon enough it will be.  Yay!

I’ve been busy getting ready for the Etsy market on Saturday.  This will be held at Flinders Street Market in Adelaide from 10am until 3pm.  I look forward to seeing you there, if you get a chance to go.

I’m also busy working on my SALA exhibitions.  They are both really different, and I am enjoying the process of putting both of them together.  I’ll share more details as the time gets closer.  They both run throughout August.

The special discount in my Etsy shop is available until 30 June…but…you have to subscribe to my newsletter to get the extra special offer.  It might just be worth it!  I’ll have some new listings going up before the 30th June.

Studio View

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Colour Play

Green is probably one of the most difficult colours to work with in glass.  It tends to bleed into other colours, making it quite messy, and definitely not how it was originally intended.  I have to be careful about the colours that I choose to make green work nicely.  I like the contrast in these greens, creating jewellery that will work with all sorts of green clothing choices.

Green handmade glass bead jewellery by Julie Frahm

Green handmade glass bead necklaces by Julie Frahm

Green handmade glass bead earrings by Julie Frahm

Green handmade glass bead necklaces by Julie Frahm

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View from my studio

It was so cold here this morning!  I can tell in my fingers if it’s close to zero degrees, it happens when you walk in the morning.  This morning I estimated it was 3 degrees (cold finger test), and when I checked the temperature it was – 3 degrees!  Tomorrow I will be walking with my gloves on I think.  Winter mornings are definitely here.

Today I am finishing off some consignment top-ups, and also getting some new work ready for my website.   I have been putting a lot of thought into my SALA exhibitions, and I’m pleased with where those designs are heading.

The sun is shining.  The sky is blue.  It’s a beautiful day here.  I hope you have a lovely week wherever you are.

Studio View

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Colour Play

I have been experimenting with new beads and jewellery!  I will be sharing the new work over the next month or so, one new colour-way each week.

This week I have used red and purple glass to create a really regal combination of beads.  Purple is a nice contrast for red, it softens it a lot from the traditional red/black/white, giving it a more feminine look.

Red and purple handmade glass bead jewellery by Julie Frahm

Red and purple handmade glass bead necklaces by Julie Frahm

Red and purple handmade glass bead earrings by Julie Frahm

Red and purple handmade glass bead necklaces by Julie Frahm

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View from my studio

My studio window can be a bit distracting at times.  Birds fly in and out, butterflies make their way around the garden, the wind blows the leaves in the trees…all very distracting!  Today the view from my studio looks like this:

Studio View

I am sending out my newsletter this week with lots of exciting things in it!  If you haven’t already subscribed…please click on this link to do so.  You could win a pair of earrings of your choice from my Etsy shop!


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Window Display at T’Arts

Something new from something old.

That is the theme of my window display at T’Arts.  I had a lot of fun setting this up the other day.  It’s on until June 25, so I hope you get a chance to visit.

  • New silk cord necklaces
  • New red jewellery inspired by my 2012 exhibition “10,000 red glass beads”
  • New jewellery from a Banrock Station wine bottle and a Bombay Sapphire Gin bottle
  • New rainbow jewellery made from a necklace that I had in a different exhibition that didn’t sell (I cut up that necklace to make some really sweet necklaces)!
  • Plus, the window is decorated with flowers that I made from a book that our puppy ate!

Window Display at T'Arts by Julie Frahm

Window Display at T'Arts by Julie Frahm

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Colour Play

Now it’s time for the final instalment in this colourful selection of jewellery!  This time I am finishing with some fairly neutral colours: black, white and purple.  These colours go with so much, I thought it was nice to feature them all together.

Feel free to look back on all of the other blog posts: Red/Orange/Yellow studs, Cobalt/Turquoise/Blue studs, Fine Silver Wire necklaces, Colourful drop necklaces.

Stud Earrings - black

Stud Earrings - white

Stud earrings - Purple



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On my walk this morning…

Good morning!  My morning started really early this morning as I scrambled to finish my last assignment for this semester.  I went to bed with a very fuzzy brain last night, and woke up feeling ready to tackle those final edits.  Phew, I’m glad it’s done now.

Speaking of done – my window display is also set up at T’Arts.  The theme is “Something new from something old” and I’m really pleased with what I have put together!  I hope you get a chance to see it before it comes down on June 25.  I’ll share some photos in a separate post.

Morning Walk