Walk with a difference today. It was on the treadmill. My husband is still away, so I am limited in the walks I can do. The treadmill is nice, it gets the walk ticked off the to-do list, but I have missed my morning walk with my dog to the river and back.
I’m working on my new Colour Play jewellery. It’s coming together nicely, and will be available for sale in my new online shop on Thursday!
I’m also working on a window display for T’Arts. That is going to be all about recycling. Recycling of old glass products, old necklaces, old ideas….I’m excited to see what else pops up before it’s time to set up.
Don’t forget to visit T’Arts while their fundraising window is set up. All items are $10 or $15 and all proceeds go to the McGrath Foundation. I have donated 9 pairs of earrings, and I think a few pairs have already sold.