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The Colour Red: What Looks Good with Red?

This is part of a series of posts about colour.  This month I am focusing on the colour red.

All of these necklaces would look great with a red dress!

What looks good with red?  Black and white and grey look really good with red!

You can add a touch of red to the necklace, or simply go with shades of black, white and grey.

Black and white and a touch of grey work perfectly with red.  Black and white with a touch of red!I wear a lot of red, and I also wear a lot of black…so I would probably choose the black and white necklace with a splash of red in it!

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The Colour Red: Analogous Colours

This is part of a series of posts about colour.  This month I am focusing on the colour red.

If you look at red on the colour wheel, you will see on one side of it a red/purple colour and on the other side a red/orange colour.  When you put those colours together, it gives you necklaces like the ones pictured below!

Red Analogous Coloured BeadsWhat I like about putting these colours together is that they will then work with lots of different outfits.  Whether you want to add some more colour to a red top, or brighten up a more neutral grey top, the colour combinations work beautifully (see below).

RedAnalogousGrey RedAnalogous

Analogous colour schemes look great, and are easy to wear.

Next week I’ll look at some other colours that look great with red.

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Stop! Red!

This is the first in a series of posts about colour.  This month I am focusing on the colour red.  


I love the colour red.  It is without a doubt my most favourite colour.  I always wear a little splash of red somewhere: shoes, earrings, a top.  I haven’t quite worked up the courage to wear red pants yet, but maybe one day.  And I haven’t found the right red lipstick yet either.  Any suggestions?

There’s something about red that says “I feel good”.  You don’t need a lot of it.  A red necklace when your outfit is black and white looks stunning.

RedPop RedOnWhite RedOnBlack

At the moment my favourite piece of jewellery to wear is a long pair of red earrings.

Long Red Earrings, just a splash of colour to make your day!

Red has the ability to work with a lot of different coloured clothes.  Black.  White.  Purple.  Blue.  Red has the power to pop!