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I don’t know how long I’ve been thinking about making stud earrings, but it seems like years.  The only problem was that I didn’t have a clue how to make them!  There were suggestions from people about using glue, but it just didn’t feel “right”.

And then one day it all came together!  I had the soldering skills I needed to make the earrings backs, and I had a plan for making them.

I’m really pleased with the results.  They are the perfect size, and a real pop of colour.

They’ll be available at Urban Cow starting October 1.  There will be 17 different colours in the Mini Cabinet.


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Genesis Exhibition

I am participating in the South East Art Society exhibition where the theme is “Genesis”.

Genesis means: the beginning or origin of something

I started out thinking I would do something in relation to the beginnings of glass beads in history.  From Trade Beads to Ancient Roman Glass, I had a lot of fun looking through my History of Beads book.

But in the end I decided that as I was new to the South East, I would share with them the beginnings of my jewellery.  So I created 3 necklaces:

  1. I started collecting beads from op-shop beads
  2. Then I added some of my own glass beads
  3. Now I make all of the beads.

And here they are:

Genesis1  Genesis2Genesis3


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Colour inspiration

We spent a day in Millicent last week, and as we were walking around the town, we came across the prettiest flowers.  I’ve seen similar flowers, but not quite in this colour combination.  They actually made me stop and look, and take a photo!



























Then, when I was looking through my frit collection at home (frit is smashed up glass that I use to decorate beads), I came across this blend of browny/purpley colours that reminded me of the flowers.  Had to make some beads!






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Flashback Friday!

I have been feeling a bit nostalgic for my old beads.

There are lots of beads that I used to make, that used to be really popular, and that I don’ make anymore.  I moved on, started making new beads, and I didn’t look back!

Today’s bead is the Fish Bead.  These used to be one of my best sellers at the Rundle Street Markets!  I have made them, and similar ones, for exhibitions.  They still make me smile.  And I have had orders for 2 of them this week, which is what started me thinking about my old beads.


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We went to the beach yesterday and finally found some heart shaped rocks!  I was a happy girl indeed.

I also wanted to say thank you to everyone who has ever bought a piece of jewellery or beads from me.  I am truly grateful, and I could not even imagine life without you.


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Mixing your drinks

Tee hee, usually I stick with the same bottle of wine/beer etc when I’m making jewellery, but for something different, I have decided to mix my drinks in this latest collection.  It’s a Banrock Station wine bottle and Coopers Sparkling Ale beads!  The Banrock Station wine bottle beads have been embellished with a mix of frit (which is smashed up glass), and fine silver.  This collection will be listed in my shop by the end of the weekend (weather permitting)!




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Glass Storage

I’m so grateful to my Dad for making me the perfect storage for my glass rods.  It helps to have all the colours organised, makes it easy when I need to find a particular colour.


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New tool












I have this idea for a new earring design that required me to buy a new tool!

Can you tell by looking at it what it does?

It’s a tube cutter!  I can put sterling silver tube in there, set it to the right length, and then hold it in place easily while I saw through it!