I have to confess that entering my jewellery in the local show is one of the most fun parts of the year! These country shows are so full of traditions, and so well organised, that its always awesome to be a tiny part of it all. The people who organise the competition side of the shows, put in huge amounts of effort to make sure things run smoothly, and that everything is judged and displayed properly. It really is quite an honour to be part of it all, and one of the things I love about living in a regional location.
This year I entered 3 necklaces, and I am stoked to say that two of them received prizes. The rainbow/colour wheel necklace won First Prize and Outstanding Exhibit! And the recycled glass necklace won Second Prize.
I can’t wait to enter next year. The Murray Bridge Show is celebrating 100 years next year, so whatever I enter will have to be a little bit special.
If you are curious….here is the post from last year!