I started this year with an idea for a project that I hoped would work. I wanted to make a new piece of recycled glass jewellery every day, and post the photo to Instagram. Simple?
Well it was and it wasn’t simple. It was simple when I allowed myself the time to sit down and look at all of my beads and simply make things with what I had. It was simple when I had an idea for a series of pieces and I put together a little plan to make that series of pieces. It was simple when I let myself go, and simply created.
It wasn’t simple when life got in the way! Those days when every minute seemed to be filled with something or other and I thought I would have time to make something and then time got away from me and I didn’t make anything. Luckily there weren’t many of those days, but I felt them. I felt disappointed when I didn’t make something new.
Overall though I have had a really great year with this project. I have loved trying new things. New techniques with jewellery. New techniques with glass. New glass. New combinations of glass. It really has pushed me to make new and different things, and it has been lovely to see what has resonated for people too. I have had many requests to buy the pieces that I have made which I am truly grateful for. I have also had many messages from people with positive comments on my work. Also, very grateful for those comments. They helped to keep me going.
So what happens next year? To be honest, I’m still working on that! I have some ideas, and I’m going to take a little break now to work on those ideas and see where my creativity and my passion leads me in the new year.
Thanks so much for all your support this year! These are the Top 9 photos according to Instagram, they are the ones with the most likes. I thought the selection was really interesting, a real mix of different pieces in there.