“I love to make beads from old discarded glass objects such as gin and wine bottles, perfect for people who like to wear something a little bit different, while helping to save the environment at the same time!” – Julie Frahm

Please feel free to contact me if you would like to order a special piece of jewellery from a sentimental glass object.

Latest Blog Posts:

The Colour Purple – with a splash of red

This is part of a series of posts about colour.  This month I am focusing on the colour purple. Last week I introduced you to the colour purple.  I mentioned that…

On my walk this morning…

  I nearly didn’t go for a walk this morning!  We had a big weekend visiting our mum’s for Mother’s Day.  I hadn’t slept very well most of the weekend.…

Mothers Day at T’Arts

Some of you will know that I am a member of the Textile and Art Collective known as T’Arts, which is located in Gays Arcade in Adelaide. Each month the…



