“I love to make beads from old discarded glass objects such as gin and wine bottles, perfect for people who like to wear something a little bit different, while helping to save the environment at the same time!” – Julie Frahm

Please feel free to contact me if you would like to order a special piece of jewellery from a sentimental glass object.

Latest Blog Posts:

Resonate exhibition

  I was thrilled to see my work set up at Gallery M for the Resonate exhibition.  The collections of work looked awesome together.  It was also cool to see…


This week I found some leftover red/black/white beads in my collection, and I just had to put them all together because I love this combination of colours. Some of you may know that…

Feeling blue…

Sorry about the melodramatic title!  I’m referring to the necklace. Yes, I have also been feeling a bit blue.  And for some reason, this is the week when my kids…



