“I love to make beads from old discarded glass objects such as gin and wine bottles, perfect for people who like to wear something a little bit different, while helping to save the environment at the same time!” – Julie Frahm

Please feel free to contact me if you would like to order a special piece of jewellery from a sentimental glass object.

Latest Blog Posts:

Bottle Brush

Where I grew up, this is the only colour bottle brush that was around.  It was honestly the only colour bottle brush that I thought existed!  Until I went out…

Meadowbrook Blog Kit

Example Layout template that is included:   Purchase the Meadowbrook Blog Kit for even more goodies. Included are picture overlays, social media icons, and Photoshop documents with editable post layouts…

…more flower bead jewellery

A few more pieces to share with you!  I also love the blue/green colour combination. I think I will have a few pieces ready for my next market weekend, which…



