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Colour Wheel Jewellery #2

colour wheel necklace

Last week I shared with you the first of the colour play series for January!

This week, I have a new necklace and earrings based on the colour wheel to share with you.

I have taken one of my favourite styles of necklace, and made that into a colour wheel necklace. I have etched the beads, and given them a matt finish, just for something a bit different. The silver beads add a real sparkle to the necklace.

The green earrings are bright and cheerful, and also very comfortable to wear.

Check out the jewellery in the shop now.

colour wheel necklace

colour wheel necklace

colour wheel necklace

colour wheel necklace

bright green earrings

bright green earrings

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Colour Wheel Jewellery #1

colour wheel jewellery

In between all of the recycled glass jewellery, I have also found some time to put together a new collection of colour wheel jewellery to start the year! I am a huge fan of the colour wheel, and I really like making these necklaces. I have talked to lots of people about them, and everyone sees them slightly differently. Some people see rainbows, others see chakras, and more recently people have seen marriage equality represented in these pieces. For me, it’s all about the colour wheel. Shop the collection now.

colour wheel jewellery

colour wheel necklace

colour wheel necklace

colour wheel necklace

red glass heart earrings

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Great selection of etched glass bead jewellery by Julie FrahmBlack and white handmade glass bead jewellery by Julie FrahmColour Wheel jewellery by Julie Frahm

I had to pick my work up from a little shop in Adelaide recently.  It was a tough decision, but with so many time constraints upon me, I just had to focus my energy in areas that were working.  I hadn’t sold any work in this little shop for many months, and I couldn’t find the energy to make more work in an attempt to increase sales there.  There was nothing wrong with the work that was there, it was just time to pack it up.

When it came time to look at the work that had been packed up, I was feeling very nostalgic.  It was work from the last few years of exhibitions that I have done.  The top photo was from my 2014 SALA exhibition.  The middle and bottom photos were from my 2013 Colour Wheel exhibition.  I loved putting those exhibitions together.  For both exhibitions I tried new things, some of which worked well, some not so well.

Looking at this old work from past exhibitions, reminded me to keep trying new things.  That is the point of exhibitions really.  It is lovely when the work you do resonates with people and they buy it, of course it is.  But more importantly for me is the making of new work.  The extra time I can spend dwelling on design, creating a cohesive exhibition of work, is worth it.  I love this time of year, a time to ferment and plan and plot out ideas for my next exhibition(s).  I can’t wait to see what comes out of my head this year for the 2 SALA exhibitions I am part of.

As you can tell, I loved seeing this old work again!  I will be taking it to markets in the near future, but if there is anything here that you like the look of, please send me an email.