Yesterday I did a big road trip with the kids, and I didn’t have any energy left after that to be creative! I thought about it, but I was just up too early and home too late. So in lieu of yesterday’s creativity, I am sharing a photo of myself!
I have been making glass beads from recycled glass objects for about 9 years now. It all started when my daughter was born, and that was around the time of the Global Financial Crisis. In Australia our government was handing out money to try to stimulate our economy, and it was likened to the Great Depression. Well, that got me thinking about Green Depression Glass, and the history that has with regards to trying to stimulate the US economy at the time of the Great Depression. I found some Green Depression Glass and started making beads from that! Then I found some more glass objects and made beads from them.
My first exhibition “Anti-Depression Glass” was held at Lustre Galleries and ended up being the runner-up in the Jam Factory Contemporary Craft and Design award as part of the SALA awards that year. People resonated with the theme, so I kept going.
This year I am involved in 4 SALA exhibitions. I’ll be sharing more details about them as they get closer but to keep it simple I’ll be exhibiting at Bethany Wines, The Adelaide Remakery, Pepper Street Art Centre and T’Arts.