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Recycled glass earrings | beads made from a wine bottle

I just wanted to tweak my square/diamond shaped earrings a little bit, so I made these as a more “square” pair of earrings. Of course, square is not the correct mathematical term, rectangular is the correct term.

I also love that these beads were made from South Australian wine bottles (Bethany Wines from the Barossa Valley), and the delicious colours resemble purple grapes amongst the brown soil. Yum!

Recycled glass earrings | beads made from a wine bottle

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Red and Green?

Handmade recycled glass bead earrings | red beads made from a tonic water bottle, green beads from wine bottles.

I am never really sure if you should put red and green together. I think if it’s a particular shade of red and a particular shade of green it is really just saying “Merry Christmas”!

So, I never really think to put them together. Except today I had these red beads lying next to a bunch of green wine bottle beads, and I stopped and thought….why not give it a go? I tried a few different colours, before settling on the two green beads in these earrings.

I think they work…

Handmade recycled glass bead earrings | red beads made from a tonic water bottle, green beads from wine bottles.

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This morning…

Recycled glass earrings | handmade glass beads made from gin, wine and champagne bottles

This morning I think I put about 20 different combinations of recycled glass beads together. I was over-thinking the design BIG time, and it wasn’t much fun. As I put together yet another combination of beads I said to myself “what’s the worst thing that can happen?” I didn’t have an answer.

I made these earrings from gin, wine and champagne bottles. If someone likes them and wants to buy them, that is a bonus! If they never sell then there might come a time when I take them apart and use the beads in other projects. Nothing too terrible there at all.

Recycled glass earrings | handmade glass beads made from gin, wine and champagne bottles


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Pretty colour combinations

Recycled glass earrings | contrasting beads made from wine and gin bottles

I think I might have mixed feelings about mixing colours! On the one hand, I love it and I love wearing mixed colours. I am sitting here with a jumper that has a blue/black striped middle section, and purple/pink stripes on one sleeve, and yellow/grey stripes on the other sleeve.

On the other hand…well, it’s not everyone’s cup of tea, and you kind of have to be a bit careful about how you do it. Or maybe that’s just my thoughts on it, which are not totally valid, because I haven’t really tested them too much.

So, I am trying to stretch my ideas about mixing colours by putting together some combinations of colours that I wouldn’t normally put together. Yesterday’s earrings are a great example of that stretch!

Today I thought I would stretch again by putting some bright blue (Bombay Sapphire Gin) beads back with some pretty purple beads.  Hmmm….I quite like this. It’s pretty and fresh, and different.

Recycled glass earrings | contrasting beads made from wine and gin bottles

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recycled glass earrings | Handmade recycled glass beads made from a Bethany Winery wine bottle.

I have started working on some new exhibition pieces for my “Glassblumengarten” exhibition that will be at Bethany Wines for the SALA Festival in August. [Note: “Glassblumengarten” is German for Glass Flower Garden].

I hope to fill a cabinet with all sorts of flower jewellery, I’m excited about some of the new pieces that I am drawing, and I can’t wait to make them.

This is one of the first pieces that I have finished. I wanted to reflect the colours of the grapes in this pair of earrings, so I chose purple and green to decorate the flower beads (made from a Bethany Wines wine bottle).

recycled glass earrings | Handmade recycled glass beads made from a Bethany Winery wine bottle.