Day 366. Oh gosh! 366 pairs of earrings later and my challenge for this year is finished! It’s a bittersweet feeling, and I am ending the challenge with some of my favourite earrings for the year – mismatched bird and flower earrings! What started out as a random “find” amongst my boxes of beads turned into a really fun way to wear earrings. I ended up making all sorts of colour combinations, but today I have opted for yummy yellow and purple, such great contrast. Do you like the blue eyes on the bird!? They are usually brown, but I thought…end of the year, give it a go. I would like to say a massive THANKS to you all for your likes, your words of encouragement along the way, your enthusiasm that made new things happen. Also for the people who liked the earrings enough to buy them, thank you. I have had a wonderful year of making a pair of earrings (nearly) every day. Yes, I missed a few days here and there, but for the most part I did what I set out to do. Some days it was really easy, and some days it felt almost impossible, and along the way I tried all sorts of new ideas and learned so much too. It will be a bit hard to give up daily creative challenge, and yet I already have so many things to look forward to next year that I can’t wait to share with you all. Enjoy your New Years celebrations wherever you are. See you all next year!!